Minister Jafo Insist Listing Of House Campaign In Tanzania

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Jafo does insist on listing house campaign in the country. Minister of State Office of the President Regional Administration and Local Government Hon. Selemani Jafo stress the importance of conducting a campaign to list all the houses in the country with the aim of raising revenue.

He said this today during a visit by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania Hon. John Pombe Magufuli while inspecting development projects in Morogoro Region.

He said the campaign will start on 15 to 28 February 2021 and instructed all Local Government and Village Executives to start going from house to house listing all buildings except for the buildings of religious institutions to ensure the Government receives taxes for the future of the Nation.

In addition, Minister Jafo has instructed Local Government Authorities to ensure that they set aside areas for investment to enable investors to invest in the country as their main role is to ensure areas are set aside.