Job Opportunities Dar es Salaam City Council. Dar es Salaam lies between 6 to 7 degrees latitude and 39.45 longitude between the east side and 39 degrees in the west, south of the Equator and in the West, South and North. City borders the Coast Region, the eastern part bordering the Indian Ocean, where there shoreline length of km. 124 commencing from Pemba Mnazi up Mbweni.
Dar es Salaam has a surface area of about 1,800 square kilometers; out of which 1,350 square kilometers is the area of land including the existing eight islands in the Indian Ocean area of 450 square kilometers is the area of sea water. Location of Dar es Salaam is equal to 0.2 percent of the entire land area which is 881,289 square kilometers.
Job Opportunities Dar es Salaam City Council
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