Free Download Ripoti Ya CAG 2021 PDF

Nihan - Uniforumtz
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Ripoti Ya CAG 2021 PDF. The history of the Office goes hand in hand with the history of the Nation of Tanzania. After the Berlin Conference of 1885, part of the land that is now mainland Tanzania was allotted to the Germans. In 1897, this area was called the German Empire of East Africa and was a German colony until 1919.

After the first world war, through the Treaty of Versaille, the British were given the right to rule this area which at that time was called Tanganyika. After World War II in 1946, Tanganyika was placed under territories under the auspices of the United Nations under British rule.

In December 1961, Tanganyika gained its independence from the British and remained part of the Commonwealth and in 1962 Tanganyika became a Republic. Tanganyika merged with Zanzibar on 26 April 1964 to form the United Republic of Tanzania

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