For all latest News like Loan Application, Majina Waliopata Mkopo, Loan Allocation status, Loan Beneficiaries All Batch from (HESLB) Higher Education Student’s Loan Board you can see here

Latest HESLB News

Majina Ya Waliokosea Kuomba Mkopo 2023/24 HESLB

Majina Ya Waliokosea Kuomba Mkopo 2023/2024, Check here Orodha ya wanafunzi ambao fomu zao zina…

Nihan Nihan 7 Min Read

HESLB Loan Application Status 2023/2024

Are applied for Loan this academic year of 2023/2024. now you can see progress of…

Nihan Nihan 2 Min Read

How To Make Correction HESLB Loan Application

How To Make Correction HESLB Loan Application, HESLB (Higher Education Students' Loans Board) is a…

Nihan Nihan 1 Min Read

HESLB Loan Application Start 15th July, 2023 “No Hard Copies”

HESLB Loan Application Start 15th July, 2023. The Higher Education Student Loans Board (HESLB) would…

Nihan Nihan 1 Min Read

HESLB DiDiS Registration For Loan Beneficiaries

HESLB DiDiS Registration For Loan Beneficiaries. We would like to inform students who are beneficiaries…

Nihan Nihan 3 Min Read

HESLB opens the appeal window for 7 days

HESLB opens the appeal window for 7 days. The Higher Education Student Loans Board (HESLB)…

Nihan Nihan 3 Min Read

Step Fill HESLB Loan Appeal Form 2022/23

Step To Fill HESLB Loan Appeal Form. Higher Education Student's Loan Board after announcing appeal…

Nihan Nihan 2 Min Read