Iringa Municipal Council is one of the five existing Councils in Iringa Region. Iringa Municipality has an area of 331.4 square kilometers. It is located between the latitudes 7o77 ’south of the equator and the longitude 35o69’ east of the Greenwichi line. It borders Iringa Rural District to the North, West, South and Kilolo District Council to the East.
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It has a total population of about 158,989 (based on the 2012 Population and Housing Census). Of those 75,565 inhabitants are Men and 83,424 are Women.
It has a total of 37,854 Households where the average household size is 4.
Government Vacancies At Iringa Municipal Council, March 2021
Iringa Tanzania has announced new 2 job opportunities for Tanzanian with qualifications can read full job details in attached PDF file below:-