Optimise Website Homepage For SEO 6 Tips

Nihan - Uniforumtz
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6 Ways To Optimise Website Homepage For SEO

Optimise Website Homepage For SEO. Homepage SEO is very similar to optimizing your other pages, but just skipping over your home page is going to be a big mistake and you’re going to miss out on a lot of opportunities. People go to your home page and learn more about your businesses all the time.

First impressions are everything, and that relates to your home page as well. And here are some tactics that you can employ to create a beautiful home page that ranks on Google.

Here are six SEO Tips to optimise website homepage for SEO so has to rank higher on Google to increase organic traffics

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1. First off, state your company’s value proposition and selling points right away.

Point out your unique selling points. What makes your company different from others? Wherever you can, you want to make sure that you point out your business’s strongest selling points, and you want to put this really early in your content

2. Next, you want to use customer testimonials.

Trustworthiness is a huge aspect of conversions. As the internet continues to take over, brand trust is getting more and more important. Not to mention, brand trust leads to brand loyalty, AKA, returning customers. Showcasing your customer testimonials is a great way to build trust with new visitors.

3. Next, you want to make your homepage mobile-friendly.

Make sure you’re using mobile-friendly themes and
your website is responsive. Whether it’s a small mobile device, or a bigger mobile device, or a tablet device, that way you’re compatible. If you’re wondering if your website is mobile optimized, well Google has free mobile testing tools out there for you. Optimise Website Homepage

4. Next, make your navigation simple.

Navigation is key when it comes to user experience.
You dont want to have a site structure that makes
people confused. Chances are if people are going to their site, and they cant find what they’re looking for within a few clicks, they re going to bounce, Google is going to notice, and in the long run, it’s going to hurt your rankings.

One of the biggest reasons that people bounce is
because bad site navigation, and what I mean by that is either too many options or they can’t find what they’re looking for within three clicks. In general, less is more.

5. Next, I want you to optimize your home page title and metadata for Optimise Website Homepage

And if you’re wondering how to craft something that’s very appealing, roughly six-word headlines tend to do well, people love how-tos, they love lists, they love anything that tells them what they’re going to get.

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And if you need help with crafting your meta tags, whether its your title tag or meta description with the right keywords, check out UberSuggest. Put in the keywords within your industry, then I want you to go to the keyword ideas report, and itl tell you all keywords that you can consider targeting and look for the ones with the SEO difficulty score of less than 40, those are the ones that are the easiest and quickest to rank for. Optimise Website Homepage

Now, here’s an interesting step for you, especially if
you’re e-commerce and you’re just selling products,
you may be like hey, I want my homepage just selling products, I dont want to showcase any content.

6. Last but not least, you want to close with a call to action. for Optimise Website Homepage

Look, by people going to your home page, you dont
want them just going wherever they want and have no end in sight. The end should be buying a product or service from you, going into Lead Magnet, collecting their name and information, whatever conversion is for you. Optimise Website Homepage

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Make sure your call to actions are easily clickable, they’re images that stand out, and you sprinkle them throughout your home page because some people could just go to your home page and they know they want to buy right away, and for those people, you want to make your call to action closer to above the fold

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By Nihan Uniforumtz
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