
Latest Canada News

UM Learn: How to Access UM Learn Login

UM Learn is the University of Manitoba’s learning management system (LMS) and is used to…

Nihan Nihan 4 Min Read

SEDISA Trust Bursary 2021 For South Africans

SEDISA Trust Bursary 2021 For South Africans. SEDISA Black Women Education Trust invites students to…

Nihan Nihan 1 Min Read

Scholarships for International Students In Canada ($4,000)

Scholarships for International Students In Canada, Queen’s University. With a global reputation for excellence in…

Nihan Nihan 3 Min Read

Karen McKellin International Leader of Tomorrow Award 2021 In Canada

Karen McKellin International Leader of Tomorrow Award 2021 In Canada. UBC’s International Scholars have the potential…

Nihan Nihan 6 Min Read