ISW Selected Applicants 2021/2022 PDF File. The Institute of Social Work is a higher learning Institution in Tanzania which was established by the Institute of Social Work Act [Cap 110 R.E 2002] as amended by the written Laws (Miscellaneous amendments) (No. 3) Act of 2002 herein referred to as the Act.
The Institute was established in order to prepare qualified human resource for strengthening the social service delivery structure in Tanzania. It started operating in 1974 in rented buildings of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference at Kurasini before moving to the present premises at Kijitonyama, Dar es Salaam in 1978.
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The first program was the Ordinary Diploma in Social Work which was designed for addressing the problem of social welfare manpower shortage that was facing the Social Welfare Department. In 1977, the Institute began offering Advanced Diploma in Social Work. This was necessitated by the need to meet social work professional training and educational standards
ISW Selected Applicants 2021/2022 PDF File
- Selected Applicants Bachelor Degree with single addmission
- Selected Applicants Bachelor Degree with multiple Addmission
For the more information ISW Selected Applicants Visit official University website