How to fix URL is not on Google

Nihan - Uniforumtz
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How to fix URL is not on Google. Google is the most popular search engine in the world. It’s also one of the most misunderstood. Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential element of online marketing. But what is SEO? How does it work? And why does it matter? SEO is a vast subject with hidden secrets and best practices for every stage of your site’s lifecycle. Once you understand the basics, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. You need a strategy that works for your site, site type, and competitors.

How to fix URL is not on Google

How to fix URL is not on Google
How to fix URL is not on Google

The following below are are things to check for fixing the issue of How to fix URL is not on Google:-

We’ve all heard that backlinks are important for SEO. But what are they? Backlinks are links from other sites near and near your domain that point to your site. The more backlinks you have, the higher your site appears in Google.

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Google Can’t Find Your Content

When Google crawls your site, it looks for content that is relevant to the keywords in your site description and title tag. If Google can’t find the content on your site, it won’t rank you.

Google first indexes pages using the robots.txt file. If there is no robots.txt file, Google takes the page in question from your server. If Google doesn’t find the content, it doesn’t rank your site.

Your Site’s Not Secure

If Google can’t access your site, it can’t crawl it. And that means you can’t optimize it for SEO. To be safe, you need a secure server with HTTPS. Your server should also be using a secure protocol, like HTTP instead of FTP.

You Need a Google-Friendly URL

Your URL is the address that leads to your site on the web. A URL is like a telephone number. It needs to be easy to remember, easy to spell, and easy to type. A poor URL will cause Google to ignore your site.

Your URL should be short, easy to type, and easy to remember. A great URL is like a telephone number. It should be easy to remember, easy to spell, and easy to type.

You Need to Remove Redundant Content

Have you ever saved an article on your computer and re-read it for the meaning three months later? Probably. We all have. Your brain retains information better when it’s new.

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Google wants to see new content on your site. It won’t rank you for old, duplicate content. So, make sure you are keeping your site up to date.

Your site isn’t mobile-friendly

A large portion of internet users use mobile devices to access the web. If your site doesn’t look good on a cellphone, it won’t rank well on Google.

Google prefers sites to be mobile-friendly. This means they are easily viewable and navigable on a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.

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Your site has no fresh content

We’ve covered this one already, but it’s important enough to mention twice. New content is important for SEO. It sends the message to Google and the world that your site is up to date and relevant.

Your Site Isn’t Organized

Google is trained to ignore messy, unorganized sites. You need to create a content calendar and publish new content on a consistent basis. This helps Google understand what your site is about and whether to include you in their results.

Internal links are links on your page that point to other pages on your site. This helps Google and other bots crawl your site more effectively. It also tells readers what your site is about, where they are in relation to your site, and where they can go next.

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Get To Know Google’s Algorithm

Google’s algorithm is a secret. Not only are we not supposed to talk about it, but we are also not allowed to discuss how we get to it or what it is. It’s an algorithm. What can I say?


SEO is a deeply complex process with many moving parts. It’s easy to get lost in the details and forget the big picture. Remember this when you’re trying to optimize your site for Google: the more you know, the better off you’ll be. So let end here today on how to fix URL is not on Google.

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By Nihan Uniforumtz
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